Crooked Compass Adventure Trek
The Crooked Compass Adventure Trek is part-adventure racing, part-rogaining, and part-walk in the woods! Solos and teams of 2-4 will travel by foot, using pre-plotted, water-resistant AR-style, USGS maps as they locate as many checkpoints as possible within the time allotted. For those new to adventure racing (welcome, World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge watchers!), this is a great introductory event that will challenge and give you a taste of the sport while still being accessible and fun. The Crooked Compass is also the perfect training ground for bigger events, whether you’re taking on a 24-hour adventure race, a multi-day expedition race, or our very own two-day Stockville in the fall.
Registration and the start/finish is at the pavilion in the parking areas, south of the Manor Area, Cunningham Falls State Park, Thurmont, MD